Executive Committee 2

kubo_toki Executive Cttee 2


Table of Contents

Araiso High School Student Council- Executive Committee
Episode 8

F/X 'school's out' bell
Tokitoh: Kubo-chaaan
Tokitoh: Let's go to that CD store outside the station on the way home
Kubota: Oh- sorry
Kubota: I can't go home with you today
Tokitoh: How come? We're not on EC duty today.
Kubota: Mmm...

Kubota: Thing is...
F/X someone brushes past Tokitoh
Fujiwara: Kubota senpai!! Sorry to keep you waiting
Fujiwara: So, shall we go?
Tokitoh: Huh?
Fujiwara: Mh? Would you be Tokitoh senpai of the Executive committee?
Fujiwara: How-do-you-do! I'm Fujiwara, treasurer of the Student Council. I'll be looking after Kubota senpai from now on.

Tokitoh: WHAAAT?
Kubota: ---well, it's sort of like that.
Kubota: Get the details from Katsuragi-chan
Fujiwara: Now if you'll excuse us--- Tokitoh senpai.
F/X malicious glance
Tokitoh: Wha--
Tokitoh: WHA---
Tokitoh: WHAT THE HELL'S WITH **HIM**??!!!
Sign: Student Council Room
F/X violent thud

Tokitoh: What the hell's this 'I (heart) Kubota senpai'??!! Shoving **me** out of the way like that!!
Council member: Tokitoh, that's the fifth time you've done that. Give it up, willya?
CM: Katsuragi, isn't Kubota coming to the EC today? (I'm not up to handling Tokitoh)
F/X roars of rage from Tokitoh
Katsuragi: I don't know much about it myself
Katsuragi: But in any case, the Student Council's a bit short-staffed just now, so they said they'd borrow someone from the EC for the time being
Katsuragi: ...but still
Katsuragi: I think it was Fujiwara who said they wanted Kubota-kun and asked for him specially
F/X Tokitoh pricks up ears

Ainoura: Speak of the devil, that's Kubota now
Katsuragi: You're kidding. Where?
F/X Tokitoh startles at sight of Fujiwara clinging to Kubota's arm
EC member: Wow. That's a surprise. (Imagine Kubota doing that)
Ainoura: Just like a lovesick couple

F/X slam of window sliding back
Ainoura: YIKES!!
Tokitoh: I've had it with him! *I'm* the only ace member this EC needs!
Tokitoh: Let's go patrol, Ainoura!
Katsuragi: Whaaat?
Katsuragi: Sheesh...
Katsuragi: Wonder what Kubota-kun's up to...
Fujiwara: Is something the matter?

Kubota: Not really. Why?
Fujiwara: ...Kubota senpai
Kubota: Mh?
Fujiwara: Look, senpai, why don't you become a proper member of the Student Council?
Kubota: Not that again.
Fujiwara: But it's such a waste, someone with your talents sticking with the EC. Besides, the council president and his friends think a lot of you...!
Fujiwara: And anyway, the EC just uses the school rules as an excuse to act big
Fujiwara: They're barbarians. Me, I can't take them.
Kubota: ...mhh, true.

Fujiwara: Right, yes? So you'll think it over, senpai?
Kubota: Mh. Sometime. Meanwhile, about balancing this year's books...
F/X violence happening
Voice: scream

Tokitoh: Stupid JERKS!! Wandering around the school with a cigarette in your mouth!
F/X kick
Tokitoh: God's punishing you!! Like this!
Ainoura: Cut it out Tokitoh! It won't be funny if he dies!
Tokitoh: Shut up! Right now I'm in a *really* *bad* **MOOD**!!
Student: It was just a *cigarette*!!
Student: That Kubota from the EC's always smoking them!
F/X Tokitoh's reaction
Tokitoh: Don't fucking talk about Kubo-chan in front of **me**!!
F/X more violence happening
Student: Scream (How come!!??) igarashi

Sign: Nurse's office
Igarashi: My my my.
Igarashi: How odd for you to hurt yourself like that
Tokitoh: Excuuuse me.
Note: sprained wrist from taking it out on the furniture (well, not really...)
Igarashi: Funny- Kubota-kun isn't with you? I wish he'd come see me sometime
Tokitoh: Everybody's always going Kubota! Kubota!
Tokitoh: Right now that stupid idiot's playing sweetiepie with some nasty little guy

Igarashi: Oh, so that's it
Igarashi: So it's true what they've been saying about Kubota-kun and Fujiwara-kun getting close lately
Igarashi: And you're jealous?
Tokitoh: ANH---!
Tokitoh: Whatta ya mean, you pansy school nurse? What've *I* got to be jealous of??!!
Igarashi: Dorkish as ever. Think about it for a minute.
Igarashi: You think someone like Kubota-kun would get all cozy with a guy for no reason?
Igarashi: Not likely.
Tokitoh: Yeah... well...
Tokitoh: (He's got this thing for big breasts)

Igarashi: And there's some funny stories going round the student council about Fujiwara-kun himself. Probably has something to do with those.
Tokitoh: Huh?
Igarashi: Anyway! You're the one who knows Kubota-kun best
Igarashi: You should trust him instead of getting all sulky
Tokitoh: Interfering old woman...
Igarashi: Listen you- I'm gonna put you under and screw you!

Sign: Student Council Office
Tokitoh: He didn't tell me anything.
F/X step through door
Tokitoh: Boy does that piss me off!
Fujiwara: Tokitoh senpai
Tokitoh: ...'f you're looking for Kubo-chan, he isn't here
Fujiwara: I came to see you, senpai

Fujiwara: About Kubota senpai. Don't you think you should stop monopolizing him so much?
Tokitoh: HUNH?? Whadda ya mean?
Fujiwara: Kubota senpai belongs in the student council
Fujiwara: But he insists on sticking around this vulgar EC. And it's because you're here
Tokitoh: You're nuts! Kubo-chan's in the EC because he wants to be
Fujiwara: But Kubota senpai said himself:
Fujiwara: 'The Executive Committee are a bunch of barbarians.'

Tokitoh: Listen--
Tokitoh: You make up things like that and you're dead.
Fujiwara: Then how about asking him yourself? He should be in the library supply room right now.
fujiwara F/X Tokitoh lets go of Fujiwara
F/X Tokitoh running down corridor

Fujiwara: Aaaass-hole.
Sign: Educational supplies
Kubota: Now then-
Kubota: O-pe-n
F/X keyboard clatter
Kubota: fra- me
F/X computer beeps

Kubota: Oh wow....
F/X sound of typing
Kubota: Mission accomplished...?
Kubota: (in flashback) Embezzled?
Sign: Main Student Council Chamber
Matsumoto: Exactly. There's a good chance that someone's taken part of the money for operating expenses. And of course it looks like it's someone on the Student Council itself
Matsumoto: The one most under suspicion is our treasurer, that second year
Matsumoto: Fujiwara Kyousuke

Matsumoto: From tomorrow on I'm going to have Fujiwara take care of the council's odd business for a bit
Matsumoto: I want you to help him out, on the pretense that you've been seconded here from the EC.
Kubota: ...basically, I should get close to him and then catch him in the act
Matsumoto: Fujiwara is a fan of yours from a long way back. You're as much a heart-throb as you ever were.
Kubota: (thinks) Well, I'm not denying it
Matsumoto: Also-

Matsumoto: All this is top secret. I'd like you to keep it dark with the rest of the school, naturally, but also with your friends in the EC.
Matsumoto: Will you do it?
Kubota: You asked me on purpose, of course
Kubota: You know you're the one person I won't say no to. Right, 'Council president'?
Matsumoto: Charmless as ever, aren't you--- Makoto?
Fujiwara: Kubota senpai?

Kubota: Oh. What's up, Fujiwara?
Fujiwara: Senpai
Fujiwara: How do you feel about Tokitoh senpai?
Kubota: How do I *feel*? Nothing special.
Fujiwara: You're no fair, senpai
Fujiwara: You must know how I feel about you...
F/X touches Kubota's face

Kubota: Fujiwara...
Fujiwara: Mmm... nh??!!
Kubota: Yes, please pay attention.
Kubota: This is it, right?

Fujiwara: But... that's...
Kubota: Oh, I found the disk itself right away.
Kubota: Then after working with you for this past week, I put together all the data I had on what you like and finally got it
Kubota: The password to your secret accounts- 'A Season in Hell.' (Note: by Arthur Rimbaud, decadent French poet of the 1890's)
Kubota: Your favorite collection of poetry
Fujiwara: You really are as good as I thought you were, senpai

Fujiwara: Why don't you come join us, senpai?
Fujiwara: You need me far more than you need someone like Tokitoh senpai
Kubota: Sorry, but I must gratefully decline. Right now I'm part of the EC, and we're on the side of justice
Fujiwara: Weren't you the one said the EC is a bunch of vulgar barbarians?
Kubota: Yes, I do think that

Kubota: That's exactly what I like about it.
Fujiwara: ...the damned EC is brainless and totally useless.
Fujiwara: In fact right this minute---
F/X stops in consternation
Kubota: ...right this minute?
Kubota: Now, what does that mean?
Kubota and Fujiwara Kubota: Fact is, I don't know what you guys have been doing with the school's money. But listen--
Kubota: If you lay your dirty hands on anyone near me or do /anything/ to them, the minute you do--

Kubota: I'll kill you, OK?
F/X Fujiwara jumps
Fujiwara: ...got you.
Sign: Library supplies
F/X sound of violence

Boy 1: Haha- you're looking good, Tokitoh!
F/X Tokitoh falls to ground
F/X Tokitoh gasping for breath
Boy 1: Don't take it the wrong way.
Boy 1: Someone asked us to beat you up to get rid of a grudge (hahaha)
Tokitoh: (thinks) That bastard.... acting so damn smooth...
Tokitoh: I'll kill him

Tokitoh: What the hell am I doing?
Tokitoh: Taking what he said seriously
Tokitoh: And not trusting Kubo-chan
Kubota: Oh it's true. They're doing it, they're doing it!
Boy 2: (Wha--) Ku--
Kubota: Umm-hmm.
Boy 2: KUBOTA!!? How come **you're** here??!!
Tokitoh: (thinks) Kubo-chan?

Boy 1: You're supposed to be with Fujiwara!
Kubota: Oh, don't mind me. Go on, please.
Kubota: I'll just stand here and watch.
Kubota: I came because I was worried, but I could have saved myself the trip. There's no need for me with small fry like these
Kubota: Don't ever underestimate my partner
Kubota: Right, Tokitoh?

Tokitoh: henh henh... Haha--
Tokitoh: Yer absolutely right!!
F/X sounds of violence
Victims: Aghh!
Boys: How come he got so energetic all of a sudden-- Aakkk!
F/X kick punch maim
Tokitoh: Die! Go ahead and die!
Tokitoh: It's a perfectly natural thing-
Tokitoh: and to put it perfectly naturally-

Tokitoh: Isn't it perfectly natural for us to be together?
Tokitoh: Yes, but look--
Sign: Student council room
Tokitoh: You didn't say a word to us even. Of course we're mad.
Katsuragi: Yeah really. Believe it.
Kubota: Look, I said I was sorry
Katsuragi: So it's all been taken care of pretty much?
Kubota: Mh? Mm- yeah...
Tokitoh: What's the matter, Kubo-chan?

Kubota: Mh- I don't know...
Kubota: (thinks) What Fujiwara said back there
Kubota: That word 'us.'
Kubota: Could it be
Kubota: there's something more behind this... Council President?
Katsuragi: Here's the bill for all the stuff Tokitoh broke while you were gone. And you can do another week's worth of patrolling in the school, please and thank you.
F/X smiley smile
Note: in fact she's still a bit angry
Kubota: Eh?
Kubota: What's that?

The End

chapter 9 (page)
Chapter 9

Voice 1; So Fujiwara got found out
Voice 2: Evidently
Voice 1: Well, he was just one seed we sowed to spy on the Student Council. In the end he turned out to be useless
Voice 1: Now is a good time for us to start acting on a real scale.
Voice 1: The Executive Committee...
Voice 1: Its existence is a blot on the landscape.

F/X rain falling
Tokitoh: Annnhhh--
Tokitoh: This sucks.
Katsuragi: Well, what're you gonna do? It's the rainy season.
Tokitoh: That's not it. What I meant was

Tokitoh: Him! HIM!!
Tokitoh: What the hell's Fujiwara doing here?
Fujiwara: Oh be quiet. I don't have a choice. Now I've been dropped from the Student Council where else can I go?
Tokitoh: You don't have to come hang around the Executive Committee! You're just sticking to Kubo-chan!
Fujiwara: Oh my, you actually figured that one out? Your brain's starting to work, Tokitoh senpai. This time I intend to be true to myself.

Tokitoh: YOU MAKE ME SICK!!! Kubo-chan, *say* something!
Kubota: Mhh, well- there's no alternative. The Council president's asked me to look after him.
Fujiwara: Kubota senpai- is it true you're close to president Matsumoto?
Tokitoh: Huh?
F/X door banging open
EC member: Tokitoh! Kubota! Come quick! There's a fight in the covered hallway on the second floor!
Katsuragi: Got your orders, guys

Tokitoh: Let's go, Kubo-chan!
F/X Tokitoh dragging Kubota
Kubota: Coming, coming.
Fujiwara: Huh- just a minnit, senpai! Sheesh- Kubota senpai's so cold to me. (That's what I like about him)
Fujiwara: ...what's that?
Katsuragi: If you're not doing anything, you can give us a hand here
Katsuragi: And if you do anything dumb, I'll kill you.
F/X threatening look (?)
Fujiwara: ...barbarian

Tokitoh: Alright alright- out of the way, out of the way
Tokitoh: What're you guys doing? You wanna fight, do it outside- *outside*!
Guy: The Executive committee, huh?

Guy: You're always so-- damned--
Guy: **interfering**!!!
F/X rushing at Tokitoh
F/X Tokitoh ducks aside
Guy: HUNH!
Tokitoh: Oh shut up! You want it--

F/X guy smiles
F/X Kubota startles in realization
Kubota: Wait- Tokitoh--!!
F/X Tokitoh punches guy
Tokitoh: What?


Sign: Main Student Council Chamber
Tokitoh: What kind of joke is this?!
F/X slams hand on desk
Tokitoh: What're we being disciplined for?!
Matsumoto: You need to ask? Is it true the EC wounded one of the regular students?

Tachibana: The student who lodged the complaint against you
Tachibana: has two teeth broken from Tokitoh-kun's attack and mild whiplash.
Tokitoh: He attacked me first! And what we do is allowed by the school rules!
Matsumoto: That's exactly the point
Matsumoto: At that time, it seems you weren't wearing your Executive Committee armband.
Tokitoh: !!!

Matsumoto: It's true that at Araiso, the EC is in charge of keeping peace and good order within the school. But in the rules there's a line about 'members wearing the EC armband.'
Matsumoto: The complainant says that since you didn't have your armbands, what you did was the same as violence on school property
Tokitoh: Who wants to wear a dweeby armband like that?
Katsuragi: That's just a quibble!
Matsumoto: I know that
Matsumoto: But we on the student council can't just ignore complaints from the student body

Matsumoto: The Executive Committee--
Matsumoto: all of you- are suspended from your activities for two weeks

Tokitoh: What the-- WHY?? If anyone's being punished, it should be me alone!
Kubota: Very well
Tokitoh: Kubo-chan!?
Kubota: Let's just suppose. Let's suppose this suspension was decided on by the council president himself.
Kubota: In that case
Kubota: you're saying that even if something happens to harm the Student Council itself, you don't need our help. Right?

Kubota: We'll be going... *Council President*.
F/X sound of door slamming
Matsumoto: I was afraid of this. It was a mistake to ask Makoto to look after the Fujimoto thing.
Matsumoto: He suspects something's up and now he's threatening us.
Tachibana: Mh-hmm.

Tachibana: It's no more than I'd expect from your old partner.
Matsumoto: ...he's the last person in the world I want to have against me.

matsumoto and tachibana

Tachibana: You're such good friends.
Matsumoto: ...you being sarcastic?
Tachibana: No. Just jealous.

Three days after the Executive committee has been suspended from operations
Tokitoh: Ohhh-- I- can't-
F/X pounds on table
Tokitoh: **stand it**!!!
Katsuragi: Oh, give it up, Tokitoh. The two weeks will be over soon.
Tokitoh: That's not the problem!!
Fujiwara: You suffering from calcium deficiency? (Note: supposed to make people irritable.)
Tokitoh: **And YOU can just shut your face!!**

Tokitoh: In the first place- how come Kubo-chan just goes yessir yessir at whatever the council president says?!
Kubota: I don't have a choice this time around. We were in the wrong too.
Kubota: The problem is that we were obviously set up for this
Kubota: There's someone who wants to stop us acting and we don't know who he is.
Katsuragi: Mh? What's that mean? That *wasn't* just a fake charge?
Kubota: Probably not.
Kubota: If you want details, I'd say Fujiwara probably knows what they are
F/X Fujiwara jumps in surprise

Fujiwara: Just a minute, please! I was just a secretary on the Student Council! (Well, and I did embezzle a little money, but...)
Fujiwara: And now I don't have anything to do with the Student Council at all!
Tokitoh: Really?
Fujiwara: Yes, **really**!!
Tokitoh: Useless, aren't you.
F/X turns on heel
Katsuragi: (OK) Well, if you're going to be useless, go take this broom back.
Fujiwara: **Why're you all treating me like this??!!**
Kubota: 'Why don't you join us, senpai.'
Kubota: I'm certain that's what he said back then.
Kubota: So if he's still connected to the guys who set us up
Kubota: The remaining eleven days of our suspension could be quite unpleasant...
Kubota: ...right, council president?

Sign: Cleaning supplies
Fujiwara: Sheesh. Why'm I the one gets to run these stupid errands??
Fujiwara: (thinks) But in fact
Fujiwara: (thinks) that was a bit dodgy back there. I couldn't tell the truth even to Kubota senpai
Fujiwara: ...if I tell him anything
Fujiwara: they said they'd kill me

Kubota: Eh?
Kubota: Fujiwara's not back yet?
Katsuragi: He went to put the broom back in the cleaning supplies room and hasn't come back
Tokitoh: Maybe he's just gone off in a sulk?
Tokitoh: Huh? It's open
Tokitoh: Hey, Fujiwara?
Tokitoh: Fuji---

Tokitoh: Fujiwara!!?

Tokitoh: Fujiwara!!
Tokitoh: you OK, Fujiwara!?
Kubota: Don't move him, Tokitoh!!
Kubota: It looks like he's just unconscious. Let's take him to the nurse's room
Kubota: ...who would have done something like this...
F/X takes the paper out of Fujiwara's breast pocket

Note: Judgment on a traitor. Araiso Private High School. Student Council of Darkness. Death Squad.
Tokitoh: Kubo-chan, what the hell is *this*?
Kubota: 'Student Council of Darkness'... hm.
Kubota: Quite the name they've got there
Kubota: (thinks) Looks like they've started to move, Matsumoto...
Part 2